It is Wednesday, don’t forget about Surviving “Paradise”

Gee, here it is, already, Wednesday!  My how time flies when we are having fun, right?  Well, if you want to have some fun, check out my book Surviving “Paradise” by Susan Willoch Shaver.  It is funny, witty, and just an all around good time and great read.  It is available at for $9.99 in paperback, $3.30 in kindle edition, and at Barnes and Noble nook for $4.99.  There is a book signing coming in July at a great Atlanta area boutique, Hemline.  There will be wine and cheese, great clothes, and me, there with my book.  Come on by July 24th if you are in the Atlanta area.  Also, there a couple of young and eager writing students working on a screenplay to present to a local producer.  Hey, this is all good people!!  Please give me some support and check out my book.  Thanks.Surviving Paradise

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